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Merritt Eli Photography
shot on an Iphone
2022; Parque Nacional, Galapagos. IPhone13 Max, 12 MP-4032x3024-2.5MB
Miami City Hall
The Galápagos Islands
Key Biscayne, Florida
Grounded; Yosemite National Park, 2022, IPhone 13 Max; 34 MP-9392x3628-10MB
Sunrise in Miami
Wonderment, Parque Nacional, Galapagos, 2022, iPhone W 100 x H 100
City of Miami Skyline
Home, Galapagos Islands, 2022, iPhone 13 Max, 12MP-3024x4032-2.3MB
Interrupted, Miami, Florida, 2023, IPhone 13 Max, 12 MP-3024x4032 -995KB
Hawaiian nights
Centered, Fairbanks, Alaska, 2022, IPhone 13 Max, W 100 H 100
Hidden Alaskan Coast
Uncertain, Santiago Island, Galapagos 2022, IPhone 13 Max, W: 3000
H: 2250
Longing, Colorado Nights, 2023, iPhone 13 Max, W: 2448
H: 2448
Peace. 2023, iPhone 13 Max, Sun Valley, Idaho, W3000 x H2550
Pathways, Whistler, BC, 2023
Hidden, Whistler, BC, 2023
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